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BIMachine is among the six best startups in Brazil

The company from Lajeadense, BIMachine, was among the six best startups in Brazil, in the Sebrae Like a Boss (SLAB) + Get In The Ring Challenge. The final of the dispute between companies took place on the 15th, at Startup Summit, in Florianópolis. On the national scene, 24 startups from all over the country with potential for scale and growth were classified. They held pitch presentations, in three stages, about their companies and the business market, competed in pairs, where six chosen were finalists. BIMachine CMO, Ana Thesing, represented a technology and innovation startup. She explained about the analytics platform, the company's growth and future projections. “We are happy with the result. We went through a selection process until reaching the semifinals and finals. Now we are among the best in Brazil”, he observed. The appraisal panel was made up of investors, accelerators, large companies, among other players in the innovation ecosystem.

  • Like a Boss

Sebrae Like a Boss is focused on increasing the degree of maturity of participating startups. Throughout the year, SLAB organized selective stages across the country, which selected the best startups in Brazil for this grand final. And Get In The Ring, which was held together, is a global opportunity for startups of different stages to gain visibility and credibility.



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BIMachine is an 100% Brazilian, Analytics SaaS  Platform, complete and scalable for creating business applications in Cloud. The thousands of active users in hundreds of environments already created, prove the efficiency and robustness of our platform.

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