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How Business Intelligence (BI) will save you from data flurry

By 2020, the number of data trafficked on the Internet alone will be in the tens of thousands of petabytes per day.

Later this year, the volumn of information on the network will exceed "zettabyte", a measure that is equivalent to a sextile of bytes. Research data from Cisco that gives a straw about the informational universe that companies in all industries have to deal with today.

Yet another study by Unisphere Research shows that 35% of entrepreneurs interviewed do not know what to do to manage the rampant data volumes in their enterprise applications, and that 87% blame increasing information disordered by performance problems. business.


The scenario is set: lots of content, information about everything and coming from all sides, giving work to those who need to manage this amount and direct actions and strategies. A work that can be spared and empowered with right solutions to organize this sea of ​​data and turn it into a useful subsidy to leverage the business.

I'm not saying this: a survey by global consultancy McKinsey & Company shows that entrepreneurs who invest in Business Intelligence (BI), Business Analytics (BA) and management of Big Data have, on average, increased their operating margins by 60% . So much so that, according to the study, in three years the investment in these tools is expected to grow 40% in companies' budgets.


No use: intelligently managing information is crucial to improving performance, sales and profits. Outdated, disorganized, scattered and poorly analyzed data are put money off.


Therefore, Business Intelligence and Business Analytics should be not just investments, but mantras, within any company. Such solutions allow the ordering and availability of information in order to provide assertive analysis, capable of delivering qualified data to generate productive insights.

From this, the decision making that will guide strategies aimed at real gain is a natural consequence.

Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA) improve data collection, enrichment, analysis, delivery and circulation. This translates into improved quality of information, avoiding repetitive or irrelevant wrong content, and increased governance, since the management of information from internal and external sources to the business, generating analyzes that can predict scenarios and guide investments and achievements , is key to guiding corporate border decisions.


Without these tools, the information available will be a disjointed volume of disintegrated data. Together, they can add value, but this can not even be perceived due to the poor treatment of this content.

With these tools, this scenario shifts to intelligent databases and rich information cross-referencing, enabling you to view data relevant to each business area clearly, in custom dashboards and available anytime, anywhere, due to mobile technology and to cloud computing.

All this results in managers with sufficient background to analyze investments, actions, competitors, market opportunities, gaps to be improved in the operation or in partners / branches, among other benefits.

Increasing the volume of data in enterprises is inevitable. But with well-implemented and used Business Intelligence (BI), it's also very useful.

Welcome to the future! If you have any questions, just ask, please contact us, we will be happy to assist you!

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